Thursday, May 14, 2009

Family History Journal - 05/14/09

Two days and counting down to my 101 presentation, and four days until my next OASIS class. Day two of the six day Nifty Grandsons Shindig (NGS) here at the Genea-Manor.

I was up by 7 a.m. to relieve Linda on Logan duty, and Lucas got up at 7:15. Got the boys breakfast, and at 8 they got their shoes on and we played baseball out on the back yard. Their 'rents finally got up at 8:30 and I spent some time reading email and not much else. The CVGS Research Group Summary post went online this morning. The boys got dressed, and I did too, and we all went off to miniature golf and air hockey down at the Fun-for-all place. After that, we went to Home Town Buffet for lunch and then home. Logan was sick, and took a 3.5 hour nap. I got a 45 minute nap. Linda took Lucas swimming at a friend's home, and I posted three items on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog, made a genealogy report for a Seaver cousin and sent it by email, and read blogs and Twitter.

Lori and I took a walk around the block, and they got Logan up at 5 p.m. Linda and Lucas came home, and Lori and Linda got dinner going while I played soccer with Lucas and tag with both of them in the back yard. After dinner, we played some baseball in the yard. They had baths, put on jammies and my job was to get Lucas to sleep by telling stories. They must be boring, it worked, although I almost fell asleep too. At 8:45, I came back to the computer and wrote News from the NGS Shindigs and then worked on editing and annotating my Ancestry 101 presentation. I think I'm done! Then this post and time for bed for a pooped grandpa.

Genealogy today was 5.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Twitter/Facebook, 1.5 hours writing blog posts, and 2.0 hours working on the presentation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're having lots of fun with your grandsons. Enjoy it (but be sure to get some rest!). :)

Stephanie at the Irish Genealogical Research blog