I was on the computer by 8:00 a.m., read my email and blogs, checked Facebook, and wrote Family Photographs - Post 37, got cleaned up, then wrote about David Lambert's 'Question of the Day' web page on NEA. I gathered up papers and stuff for the trip on Thursday, had lunch, put the stuff to transfer to CVGS officers in the car, and went off to the library for the CVGS Board meeting, stopping at the post office box.
The meeting lasted until 2 p.m., I transferred the box of books/periodicals and the notebooks I had to the other officers. I went with about 40 pounds, and came home with 2 pounds! I checked email, blogs and Facebook, then got a phone call from a local lady asking for a speaker at her retirement center. I wrote an email to the CVGS board about it. I wrote a post for the South San Diego County Graveyard Rabbit blog. I worked until 5 p.m. but have no clue what else I did...
After dinner, Linda was on the computer until 8 p.m., and then I wrote the 99+ Genealogy Things meme post and a scheduled post for tomorrow, then this post. I packed my suitcase (have to put my genealogy papers in the suitcase, the laptop case is full of stuff!) and the laptop case.
Genealogy today was 8.0 hours - 0.5 hour doing email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 0.5 hour on Facebook, 2.5 hours writing blog posts, 3.0 hours on CVGS things, 1.0 hour organizing the papers and electronics, etc.
I probably will not post on this blog until I get back on 1/13 from Salt Lake city. I will try to post daily about my activities in SLC on Genea-Musings.
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