This was a very busy day, made busier by the honey-dos required by Linda - she had her Forest Home Women's group over for a meeting and lunch, and I had to mop the floors, set up tables and chairs, greet everybody, eat and be nice, and take it all back down afterwards.
I started out at 7:30 a.m. with email and Bloglines, and posted the "15 Generation Chart" on Genea-Musings to get the blog rolling. Then I did my honey-dos and didn't come back until after 10 a.m. I wrote the post "I Am a Unique Person" for the Carnival. After lunch, I went off to the library and sat in on the Estate Papers meeting for awhile. I went to speak to the Library manager about a problem and didn't get home until 2:30 pm.
When I got home, I posted several articles on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blog. I also posted many things on my Randy's Busy Life blog - trying to keep up with my email! Then it was time for TV and dinner.
After dinner, I went out and cut the front lawn for an hour, then watched TV and read the paper and talked to my daughter. I was back in and on the computer by 7:45 p.m. I worked a bit on my genealogy resume for the ProGen Study Group, posted "CVGS Seminar Summary" on Genea-Musings, and then wrote some CVGS emails. I need to read my TransGen Study Group article for the chat on Thursday night. Busy busy!
Genealogy today was 7.0 hours - 1.0 hour reading and writing emails, 1.0 hour reading blogs, 2.0 hour writing blogs, 1.0 hour working on ProGen activities, and 2.0 hours on CVGS activities.
Maybe I'll get to the FHC tomorrow! They called about my films just before I went up north. I need to get back to doing real research.
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