Today was not a wonderful genealogy day because I was in a rush to get things done before my trip to Santa Cruz tomorrow morning.
After reading email and reading blogs on Bloglines, I went searching for my missing Rootsweb Reviews. I found them, and signed up for receiving them via email again (somehow I was unsubscribed a month ago). Then I posted "Are you reading Rootsweb Review" and after doing a bit of research, "Using SearchThingy." I opened up my Seaver database and checked to see if I had the information from the first 50 matches in my database - I found several that I did not have, so I put them in the database. That took me up to about 11:15, so I gathered my stuff and went down to McDonald's for lunch and then to the Library.
I stopped at the Computer Basics class in the Computer Lab and watched for awhile. I accessed Ancestry Library Edition and found three marriage and death records in Canadian records and sent the links home via the "Share" button. Then I went back to the table by the "Family Research" section and talked to Dearl for awhile. I went over to see John helping two of our new members on the computers in ALE. I was home by 2 p.m.
I checked my email, and clicked on the three messages from myself that Ancestry kindly sent me with links to the images I saw on ALE. I clicked on the image, and it said that I had already seen five images like this and they weren't going to show me anymore. Hmmpphh! The nerve of those Ancestry folks... I'll get them at the FHC next time I go - there's more than one way to skin that cat.
Then I read my blogs, and saw Lisa Cooke's post about the LOC's Chronicling America having more newspaper images posted. I spent a good hour browsing through them after I posted "Chronicling America has 500,000 Images."
I wondered what new databases Ancestry had put online since I last checked, and found they had the Missouri marriage and death indexes. I opened my Seaver database again and entered data for a number of folks - mostly death dates and locations that I didn't have previously. I'm amazed at how many Seaver people I don't have in my database - probably two thirds of the ones on the Missouri death database. I went in to read the paper, watch the news and get ready for dinner.
After dinner, I was on the computer at 7 p.m. I copied the databases, my blog pages, my 5 April presentation and several other items onto my flash drive to transfer to the laptop - that way I can work on my databases or presentation if I have the opportunity while I'm away. I changed my Genea-Musings blog colors back to not all-green. Linda needed to use the computer, so I read my book for 90 minutes before coming back to put my "light blogging" post on Genea-Musings and write this ode to inanity.
Genealogy today was 8.0 hours - 0.5 hour reading email, 0.5 hour reading blogs, 2.0 hours blogging, 2.0 hours on CVGS things at the library, 2.0 hours researching and entering database information, and 1.0 hour messing with my directories and copying files for the laptop.
The Geneaholic will go dark for the next five days - I doubt if I'll have a chance to post while I'm in Santa Cruz. I'll be back Sunday night.
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